Execution deadline in working days
Public law legal person
Private law legal person
Receiving restrictions

The Health Inspectorate shall co-ordinate the monitoring programmes for drinking water in conformity with Regulation No. 671 of the Cabinet of Ministers on Regulations 14.11.2017. “Mandatory safety and quality requirements for drinking water, procedures for monitoring and control”.
In order to guarantee the safety and quality monitoring of drinking water, not only the State but also the water supplier shall carry out monitoring and investigations after carrying out disinfection, the amount of which and the indicators to be determined shall be harmonised in advance by the Health Inspectorate. Suppliers and merchants of drinking water (representatives of food undertakings) shall draw up a monitoring programme each year (by the beginning of the current year) and submit a monitoring programme for the co-ordination to the Health Inspectorate. Water suppliers shall submit for coordination routine monitoring programmes for drinking water, study programmes after disinfection. Merchants (representatives of food companies) - auditmonitoring and routine monitoring programmes for drinking water. The Health Inspectorate shall review the submitted programmes, make adjustments, if necessary, and co-ordinate the programmes.

This is a free service.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The documents necessary for the receipt of the service shall be submitted to the Health Inspectorate. A completed application may be submitted electronically by selecting an e-service “Application for a Health Inspectorate authorisation, opinion or assessment” on the portal. The application may also be completed on-site.

  2. Receipt of services
    The service is received in accordance with the application of choice.