Process description
Service requests
On the portal, select the e-service “Communication to the Health Inspectorate on Pharmaceutical Activities” (for the service to be available, the user authenticates with a secure electronic signature smart card, electronic identification card (eID) or his or her online banking authentication features):
1. Download and complete the notification form;
2. In the proposed list of application topics, select “Notice on support provided by associations, foundations and medical institutions”.
3. Specify information about the company represented and contact details under the “Choice of person” section;
4. Add a completed notification form.
5. Specify the “No Answer Required” method for receiving an answer;
6. Check the contents of the completed notification and submit it to the Health Inspectorate.Receipt of services
Receives approval for the submission of an attestation.
The statement of support provided to associations, foundations and medical treatment institutions will be published by 31 July each year (for the previous period) on the website of the Health Inspectorate,